Really? That's strange, I've never heard of a problem with downloading...are you sure it's not just when you're trying to open or save it? If the issue is downloading it to start with, it could be a problem with your connection. Try checking your connection or restarting your router, maybe, and if that doesn't work, maybe talk to your ISP or Itch customer service. Wish I could do more to help, sorry!
An RPGMaker game with a GameBoy Color style! Very interesting! I hope to see how far this goes while also inspiring other RPGMaker users to use the GameBoy Color style, too.
Thank you! I see a lot of people aiming for NES or SNES, and having grown up on handheld consoles, I wanted to try and aim closer towards the GBC. I'm glad you like it, and I hope I inspire other developers to use the gameboy aesthetic, too!
First meeting Sarcastic Ghost there is a bug when talking to Sarcastic Ghost where the dialog doesn't always pause and wait for you to hit enter, so as a result you cant read all the text. Windows version 1.0.8
Great game. I just made a payment towards it bc I really want to encourage you to finish it. I finished the demo, I am really anxious to find out how the story ends. Please continue this.
Hi! This game is really cool and amazing, but for some reason I can't save at the save point. I pressed all the keys on my keyboard, and most of them didn't work but the few that were used for the game only emitted that dull beep and nothing was saved. I've tried all the keys on my keyboard and even clicking on the file I want to save on with my mouse.... and when I went to keyboard configuration it just gave me a line of code and said there was an error.. Please help..!
Well I'm using a Mac OS 10, so maybe that's the problem.... I tried saving from the lady behind the receptionist's counter where she asks you if you want to save. I'm sorry if I'm being a bother, but I've tried playing it without saving but died almost immediately and had to go through the entire introduction again...
Oof, sorry to hear that. I'm going to look at the engine itself- as far as I can tell, the issue isn't stemming from the game, I'd say updating your system would be a good thing to try too.
I just played through v 1.0.8 and I'm in love!!! Quick question, is there anyway to access the sprites of the characters? I've been wanting to make aesthetics/icons with them but I can't find them anywhere...
Hey there! There should be copies on them available on the development blog, if there aren’t, let me know and I can post some. Link or tag me with em when you make them, haha!
AAAAAAAA v 1.0.8 is awesome!! I love this game! I love its style, I love its characters, and I love the music! There's one major flaw from me (which might just be my computer i'm not really sure).
The music doesn't always sinc up. Like i'll walk into the corridor next to the main hospital room (with the save person and the 'shop keepers') and the music will fade out but the new music for the area won't come in for a while. And if you're quick to battle down there, sometimes the battle music doesn't even get a chance to play. It ends up being dead silent besides the sound affects.
Now for the things done AWESOME!
First off, the anxiety. Or whatever that red text is. It's so awesome how it pops up out of nowhere. like when your reading the posters in the hospital rooms! I checked every door in the beginning of the game and I was shocked how the anxiety afflicted the character! It was... interesting to say the least! (It's like I love to hate it, y'know?)
Secondly, The sprites! Oh how I love your sprites. I didn't even take in the coolness of Carna's design until the boss fight and WOW! Oh the details were amazing! And the corrupted sprites make you feel scared, yet sorry for them, and also give some OFF vibes! The supporting characters are great too: especially the lunch lady! I love her hypnotic-looking eyes! And the security guard who wants a sandwich looks pretty neat as well! Even the simpler designs like Doctor Boe(?) look like nothing I've seen before! I didn't even get to the main characters! The highlights of the hair and the dribble that comes out of all the ghost's mouths are super neat! And Robin just has a great ray of expressions from her excited to her anxious.
Sorry if this review is too positive or not giving enough criticism but i'm pretty new at gaming and comenting on it overall.
Oh and one last thing! I'm not sure how but on my first playthrough I managed to walk straight past the security guard on the right and see the room. I didn't get very far because I didn't know what the corrupt soul was yet and walked right next to it and died real quick. But after that I couldn't go there. So maybe it was a glitch? I'm not really sure.
Thank you! Even positive feedback is helpful, don’t worry, being specific about the things you think someone does right is a big help to know about! And thanks for letting me know about those bugs, I’ll take a look at them as soon as I can. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
What an absolutely lovely game! I do hope to see the full game in the future. The story is really heartfelt, and the characters are lovely. I enjoyed the combat mechanics, and the layout is great too. I might have encountered the tinyest glitch where the 311 room key didn't dissapear from my inventory after using it, but otherwise it worked great!
I downloaded the mac version of the game, but it will not let me save, or change the keyboard configuration, I really want to play this game, but without a save system this game is pretty much unbeatable for me, hope you can fix this!
Hey there, I’m not gonna be able to provide a fix for this for a while- this isn’t a game where you can save anywhere, it’s just a certain point, unless that isn’t working either. I’ll take a look at the keyboard config when I get a chance.
I accidentally downloaded the 0.1 version while the 1.x version was down and found the game cute but ultimately lacking a lot of polish, which really took away from the enjoyment.
Now that I've played and finished the 1.0.8 version after I realized my mistake, I only have two things to ask : when does it release ? And for how much ?
Haha, thank you! Yeah, the 0.1 was more of a beta or a proof of concept than a final game. With a bit of luck i’ll have it by October, but failing that, sometime early 2019. I’m thinking maybe 7.99 pricewise? I could be underselling myself, though, haha! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I am incredibly impressed. I heard about this from Nitro Rad, and as someone diagnosed with Severe Depression and Generalized Anxiety disorder.. wow. It was almost scary how much I related to this game. Absolutely genius game design, the incorporation of anxiety into the game combat was so realistic that I couldn't believe it was even real. Will this ever have a full release? If so, do you have any idea when that would be? Is there a way to donate to this project? This was life changing.. thank you. What an amazing proof of concept.
Wow, I’m glad you related to it so well! Yeah, I just wanted to take a dofferent approach from how a lot of mental illness games do it- instead of making you just sympathize, it puts you in the shoes of someone who has it and makes you directly empathize. As I’ve said, I’m hoping for an October releasw date, but if that’s too tight, then keep an eye out in early 2019. The game is currently pay-what-you-want, and I’m a bit hesitant about taking this to kickstarter, but I’ll see if i can put a link to my Ko-fi somewhere on the page! If you can’t donate monetarily, then just spread the word! Thank you so much!
hey! returning fan here, so i got the update and i'm on Bunsenlabs Hydrogen (Debian) {linux]. and when i launched the game, it opened and loaded for a while but then i got the error: failed to load GameFont.
am i missing something/is there a way to fix this? I'm super excited to play the update and tHEN THE FULL GAME YEAHH <3
I played through the demo and loved it! the amount of detail put into explaining the world really motivated me to play the game and I love the combat which made me think a little more than most RPGs. Super excited for the full game when it does release!
Bug Report:
-When you confront Carna in her office, SG comments on his name. A /n is visible in the text.
-When you walk around the ICU, your sprite will walk beneath the curtains once they are opened.
Non - Bug Game suggestions:
-Robin was anxious all the time when battles started. This was a little annoying after a while, since even in safer areas or places where it didn't make sense I still had to use encourage.
-Walking slowly through the Northern Wing became a pain because you have to grind a few levels to beat Carna. A teleport pad or some kind of fast travel once you get through would have been nice. Alternately, a save point. Somebody else in the comments suggested a low-level warning - that could be nice too.
None of those are gamebreakers, they're just personal suggestions and notes I took while playing through. I understand that RPG maker has its limits and it's difficult to make everything perfect lol.
Thanks for your input! I'm working on a bugfix patch, so these are good to hear about. Unfortunately, I've been looking for a solution to the curtains thing for a while...when I figure out how to get that to work, you'll be the first to know. And thank you, the text box errors are a lot harder to catch than outright gameplay bugs.
As for your suggestions, there IS a system in place to help Robin...but it's not exactly laid out in fine print. Try feeding her some calming foods and see what happens! And I've gotten complaints about the north wing and the high level, too. I adjusted the EXP drop rates, but I guess I should up that across the board, instead. Game balancing is HARD.
Thanks for the critique, I'm always glad to hear what people think!
I super enjoyed the 1.0.7 demo! For a demo it is pretty complete and I rather enjoyed it, minus a few bugs and weird game things here and there! I'm going to make some soft recommendations that of course you don't have to follow, but it would be cool to have some of these things added!
-Save points in front of boss fights or an manual save. Now I might be the only person but I had a hard time fighting the last boss of the demo, mostly because of the spawning of monsters that just made it a pain to track back to the point I could save without loosing a bunch of exploring and items. Again might be me complaining but from a game play pov it's a pain to ever fight unnecessary monsters just to save.
-Phoenix down type item. I'm pretty sure there is one in the game (the hot coco) but it never seemed to work for me? It would heal the party member to use it not the member I wanted revived.
-Indication that you are too low of level to fight a boss. More of a nitpick but even it comes to the last fight I was under the impression that I could fight her with the passive level of 7-8, only to be wiped and needing to grind to level 12 to get better skills to clutch to fight her. Something like "you have a feeling you are too weak to survive if you enter this door" would be great and would have saved me 3 restarts to actually kill the boss.
That's I have to say! Make sure to keep up the great work! I'd love to play the full version of ghost hospital one day! Kind of related do you play to make some sort of donation type thing like patreon? Because if so please tell me! I'd gladly give funds to put this game in a full version!
( ps: im pretty sure i see what u are doing with jay's story devs! im not gonna shout it just in case you guys wanna keep it hush other than some context hints, but its very nice for some inclusion that just isnt there for 'hey we have [x minority]'! ~some dude in the same boat as jay (although if this isnt the case and im reading too much please ignore me) )
Hey, thanks for your input! I'm a little against a manual input, but I'll see what I can do about finding a way to make a save point in front of boss fights make narrative sense. Most important people have secretaries, I suppose...
Yeah...the hot cocoa. Hoo boy. Turns out it hasn't worked at all this whole time. I'm planning to put out a patch to fix a bunch of stuff tomorrow-ish, so you can hold tight there, don't worry.
A low level indicator might be a good idea- it'd make narrative and literary sense, and it's not super hard to implement! I've gotten a lot of complaints about game balancing across the board, too, so I'll take a closer look at all of that.
(ps, I'm glad you noticed! I was actually worried it'd be too subtle for people to pick up on- yeah, I hope to make it more clear in the full game without saying it outright- Jay isn't the kind of kid who'd necessarily come out about being a trans dude, but it's part of who he is. Besides that, we have plans for more lgbt+ npcs in the final product [also not just there for Brownie Points, sometimes people are just gay/trans/whatever], so expect more where that came from!)
Cannot make progress on confronting Black and white lady, and the lady keeps saying 'Undefined'.. hey, other people getting same bug.
I really enjoyed this game and felt 'Fun' in a long decade, and really want to see the end. Please fix the problem!
edit: Is this the end of current version?
edit 2: Played 1.06. Yeah.. that was very near of the end. I gotta wait long enough.
This game didn't do, What I say, "THIS IS DEFINITION OF ANXIETY UNDERSTAND IT BLAH BLAH BLAH", Just showed someone suffering from anxiety and made me say "Hey maybe I know that voice". I like that point.
Played through the full demo! The music is awesome and I still love the writing, especially how the 'anxiety text' is worked in. I'm super excited for where this goes.
Oh! You might want to look at the Disposable Gloves item. It seems to reduce defense instead of adding to it? >u>;;
Man, I love the character design, the combat (which most people get pretty wrong), and the writing! It's a real cool concept which would probably be woefully underwhelming in the wrong hands, but I'm so psyched for more! The red voice, while a little hammy at times, was really engaging and helped drive the tension
Hey there! Enjoying the game, but saving doesn't seem to work on the Mac for some reason. I can open the save menu, but choosing any of the save slots doesn't seem to do anything.
What? You can't just end it right before the final boss... That's not fair! It's like promising a three course meal, delivering on the starter and main courses, and as soon as the dessert shows up, you tip the bowl upside-down on my head!
I feel so betrayed.
But then again, I guess it's my fault for not clicking the 'more information' button. It's also rather thematically appropriate. But in all honesty, I adored this game. I really dug it's humour, setting and visuals, and was willing to overcome some odd control issues and visual artefacts to just enjoy the experience.
Sorry about that! I do intend to put the bossfight in there, as this IS just a demo as opposed to the full game. Thank you for the complements and feedback!
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I have problems with downloading this.
It fails everytime i try.
Really? That's strange, I've never heard of a problem with downloading...are you sure it's not just when you're trying to open or save it? If the issue is downloading it to start with, it could be a problem with your connection. Try checking your connection or restarting your router, maybe, and if that doesn't work, maybe talk to your ISP or Itch customer service. Wish I could do more to help, sorry!
Yes, my internet is not the best at the moment but i dont have problems downloading other stuff.
Here it just stops out of nowhere.
And its alright. I understand.
Ok, nevermind. Got it.
And wow, the main character reminds me of...myself kinda.
An RPGMaker game with a GameBoy Color style! Very interesting! I hope to see how far this goes while also inspiring other RPGMaker users to use the GameBoy Color style, too.
Thank you! I see a lot of people aiming for NES or SNES, and having grown up on handheld consoles, I wanted to try and aim closer towards the GBC. I'm glad you like it, and I hope I inspire other developers to use the gameboy aesthetic, too!
And also, the save function is not working.
Yea, I get the exact same message too when I try to save or change my settings. Maybe it's because I'm using a Mac tho, what are you using?
MacBook Air
Same here, I get the buzzing noise when i try to save, and this error message has also popped up a couple times :(
Another bug is that Arnie lets you walk past him in the beginning of the game. just a small bug.
First meeting Sarcastic Ghost there is a bug when talking to Sarcastic Ghost where the dialog doesn't always pause and wait for you to hit enter, so as a result you cant read all the text. Windows version 1.0.8
Great game. I just made a payment towards it bc I really want to encourage you to finish it. I finished the demo, I am really anxious to find out how the story ends. Please continue this.
Hi! This game is really cool and amazing, but for some reason I can't save at the save point. I pressed all the keys on my keyboard, and most of them didn't work but the few that were used for the game only emitted that dull beep and nothing was saved. I've tried all the keys on my keyboard and even clicking on the file I want to save on with my mouse.... and when I went to keyboard configuration it just gave me a line of code and said there was an error.. Please help..!
Really? Hm...I'm testing it myself, and I'm not seeing those issues. What platform are you playing on, and where are you saving from?
Well I'm using a Mac OS 10, so maybe that's the problem.... I tried saving from the lady behind the receptionist's counter where she asks you if you want to save. I'm sorry if I'm being a bother, but I've tried playing it without saving but died almost immediately and had to go through the entire introduction again...
Oof, sorry to hear that. I'm going to look at the engine itself- as far as I can tell, the issue isn't stemming from the game, I'd say updating your system would be a good thing to try too.
Yea, that's probably the reason. The game is really good and I really want to keep playing. I'll try updating my system then!
I just played through v 1.0.8 and I'm in love!!! Quick question, is there anyway to access the sprites of the characters? I've been wanting to make aesthetics/icons with them but I can't find them anywhere...
Hey there! There should be copies on them available on the development blog, if there aren’t, let me know and I can post some. Link or tag me with em when you make them, haha!
Nice looking game. I havn't tried it yet but I can already tell it looks promising!
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!
AAAAAAAA v 1.0.8 is awesome!! I love this game! I love its style, I love its characters, and I love the music! There's one major flaw from me (which might just be my computer i'm not really sure).
The music doesn't always sinc up. Like i'll walk into the corridor next to the main hospital room (with the save person and the 'shop keepers') and the music will fade out but the new music for the area won't come in for a while. And if you're quick to battle down there, sometimes the battle music doesn't even get a chance to play. It ends up being dead silent besides the sound affects.
Now for the things done AWESOME!
First off, the anxiety. Or whatever that red text is. It's so awesome how it pops up out of nowhere. like when your reading the posters in the hospital rooms! I checked every door in the beginning of the game and I was shocked how the anxiety afflicted the character! It was... interesting to say the least! (It's like I love to hate it, y'know?)
Secondly, The sprites! Oh how I love your sprites. I didn't even take in the coolness of Carna's design until the boss fight and WOW! Oh the details were amazing! And the corrupted sprites make you feel scared, yet sorry for them, and also give some OFF vibes! The supporting characters are great too: especially the lunch lady! I love her hypnotic-looking eyes! And the security guard who wants a sandwich looks pretty neat as well! Even the simpler designs like Doctor Boe(?) look like nothing I've seen before! I didn't even get to the main characters! The highlights of the hair and the dribble that comes out of all the ghost's mouths are super neat! And Robin just has a great ray of expressions from her excited to her anxious.
Sorry if this review is too positive or not giving enough criticism but i'm pretty new at gaming and comenting on it overall.
Oh and one last thing! I'm not sure how but on my first playthrough I managed to walk straight past the security guard on the right and see the room. I didn't get very far because I didn't know what the corrupt soul was yet and walked right next to it and died real quick. But after that I couldn't go there. So maybe it was a glitch? I'm not really sure.
Thank you! Even positive feedback is helpful, don’t worry, being specific about the things you think someone does right is a big help to know about! And thanks for letting me know about those bugs, I’ll take a look at them as soon as I can. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Hm, thought I changed that. Thank you for the kind words!
What an absolutely lovely game! I do hope to see the full game in the future. The story is really heartfelt, and the characters are lovely. I enjoyed the combat mechanics, and the layout is great too. I might have encountered the tinyest glitch where the 311 room key didn't dissapear from my inventory after using it, but otherwise it worked great!
Thank you! And I’ll take a look at that when I get the chance. Thank you!
I downloaded the mac version of the game, but it will not let me save, or change the keyboard configuration, I really want to play this game, but without a save system this game is pretty much unbeatable for me, hope you can fix this!
Hey there, I’m not gonna be able to provide a fix for this for a while- this isn’t a game where you can save anywhere, it’s just a certain point, unless that isn’t working either. I’ll take a look at the keyboard config when I get a chance.
Thank you!
I accidentally downloaded the 0.1 version while the 1.x version was down and found the game cute but ultimately lacking a lot of polish, which really took away from the enjoyment.
Now that I've played and finished the 1.0.8 version after I realized my mistake, I only have two things to ask : when does it release ? And for how much ?
Haha, thank you! Yeah, the 0.1 was more of a beta or a proof of concept than a final game. With a bit of luck i’ll have it by October, but failing that, sometime early 2019. I’m thinking maybe 7.99 pricewise? I could be underselling myself, though, haha! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I am incredibly impressed. I heard about this from Nitro Rad, and as someone diagnosed with Severe Depression and Generalized Anxiety disorder.. wow. It was almost scary how much I related to this game. Absolutely genius game design, the incorporation of anxiety into the game combat was so realistic that I couldn't believe it was even real. Will this ever have a full release? If so, do you have any idea when that would be? Is there a way to donate to this project? This was life changing.. thank you. What an amazing proof of concept.
Wow, I’m glad you related to it so well! Yeah, I just wanted to take a dofferent approach from how a lot of mental illness games do it- instead of making you just sympathize, it puts you in the shoes of someone who has it and makes you directly empathize. As I’ve said, I’m hoping for an October releasw date, but if that’s too tight, then keep an eye out in early 2019. The game is currently pay-what-you-want, and I’m a bit hesitant about taking this to kickstarter, but I’ll see if i can put a link to my Ko-fi somewhere on the page! If you can’t donate monetarily, then just spread the word! Thank you so much!
hey! returning fan here, so i got the update and i'm on Bunsenlabs Hydrogen (Debian) {linux]. and when i launched the game, it opened and loaded for a while but then i got the error: failed to load GameFont.
am i missing something/is there a way to fix this? I'm super excited to play the update and tHEN THE FULL GAME YEAHH <3
anyways so yeah i got an error :( :( :(
Really? Hm...I’ll take a look at that. I’m not super familiar with Linux, but I’ll ask some of my more code-savvy friends about it.
hey, i just got the update 1.0.8 (linux) and it's still giving me "failed to load GameFont" :'(
it may be a problem on my end, so i'll keep looking into it
I had this problem too and dug a little into things. Had to load the game in firefox so I could use the development console.
The issue is that gamefont.css tries to load 8bitoperatorplus-regular.ttf, while the file is named 8bitOperatorPlus-Regular.ttf. Linux distinguishes filenames with diferent capitalization.
My solution was making a system link because I don't like changing game data, but you can just rename the file safely.
Thanks a ton! I'll edit the text js file, I'm hoping to put out a patch soon anyway!
Found the root of the issue, you can check my other comment for it.
I played through the demo and loved it! the amount of detail put into explaining the world really motivated me to play the game and I love the combat which made me think a little more than most RPGs. Super excited for the full game when it does release!
Bug Report:
-When you confront Carna in her office, SG comments on his name. A /n is visible in the text.
-When you walk around the ICU, your sprite will walk beneath the curtains once they are opened.
Non - Bug Game suggestions:
-Robin was anxious all the time when battles started. This was a little annoying after a while, since even in safer areas or places where it didn't make sense I still had to use encourage.
-Walking slowly through the Northern Wing became a pain because you have to grind a few levels to beat Carna. A teleport pad or some kind of fast travel once you get through would have been nice. Alternately, a save point. Somebody else in the comments suggested a low-level warning - that could be nice too.
None of those are gamebreakers, they're just personal suggestions and notes I took while playing through. I understand that RPG maker has its limits and it's difficult to make everything perfect lol.
Thanks for your input! I'm working on a bugfix patch, so these are good to hear about. Unfortunately, I've been looking for a solution to the curtains thing for a while...when I figure out how to get that to work, you'll be the first to know. And thank you, the text box errors are a lot harder to catch than outright gameplay bugs.
As for your suggestions, there IS a system in place to help Robin...but it's not exactly laid out in fine print. Try feeding her some calming foods and see what happens! And I've gotten complaints about the north wing and the high level, too. I adjusted the EXP drop rates, but I guess I should up that across the board, instead. Game balancing is HARD.
Thanks for the critique, I'm always glad to hear what people think!
I super enjoyed the 1.0.7 demo! For a demo it is pretty complete and I rather enjoyed it, minus a few bugs and weird game things here and there! I'm going to make some soft recommendations that of course you don't have to follow, but it would be cool to have some of these things added!
-Save points in front of boss fights or an manual save. Now I might be the only person but I had a hard time fighting the last boss of the demo, mostly because of the spawning of monsters that just made it a pain to track back to the point I could save without loosing a bunch of exploring and items. Again might be me complaining but from a game play pov it's a pain to ever fight unnecessary monsters just to save.
-Phoenix down type item. I'm pretty sure there is one in the game (the hot coco) but it never seemed to work for me? It would heal the party member to use it not the member I wanted revived.
-Indication that you are too low of level to fight a boss. More of a nitpick but even it comes to the last fight I was under the impression that I could fight her with the passive level of 7-8, only to be wiped and needing to grind to level 12 to get better skills to clutch to fight her. Something like "you have a feeling you are too weak to survive if you enter this door" would be great and would have saved me 3 restarts to actually kill the boss.
That's I have to say! Make sure to keep up the great work! I'd love to play the full version of ghost hospital one day! Kind of related do you play to make some sort of donation type thing like patreon? Because if so please tell me! I'd gladly give funds to put this game in a full version!
( ps: im pretty sure i see what u are doing with jay's story devs! im not gonna shout it just in case you guys wanna keep it hush other than some context hints, but its very nice for some inclusion that just isnt there for 'hey we have [x minority]'! ~some dude in the same boat as jay (although if this isnt the case and im reading too much please ignore me) )
Hey, thanks for your input! I'm a little against a manual input, but I'll see what I can do about finding a way to make a save point in front of boss fights make narrative sense. Most important people have secretaries, I suppose...
Yeah...the hot cocoa. Hoo boy. Turns out it hasn't worked at all this whole time. I'm planning to put out a patch to fix a bunch of stuff tomorrow-ish, so you can hold tight there, don't worry.
A low level indicator might be a good idea- it'd make narrative and literary sense, and it's not super hard to implement! I've gotten a lot of complaints about game balancing across the board, too, so I'll take a closer look at all of that.
(ps, I'm glad you noticed! I was actually worried it'd be too subtle for people to pick up on- yeah, I hope to make it more clear in the full game without saying it outright- Jay isn't the kind of kid who'd necessarily come out about being a trans dude, but it's part of who he is. Besides that, we have plans for more lgbt+ npcs in the final product [also not just there for Brownie Points, sometimes people are just gay/trans/whatever], so expect more where that came from!)
Cannot make progress on confronting Black and white lady, and the lady keeps saying 'Undefined'.. hey, other people getting same bug.
I really enjoyed this game and felt 'Fun' in a long decade, and really want to see the end. Please fix the problem!
edit: Is this the end of current version?
edit 2: Played 1.06. Yeah.. that was very near of the end. I gotta wait long enough.
This game didn't do, What I say, "THIS IS DEFINITION OF ANXIETY UNDERSTAND IT BLAH BLAH BLAH", Just showed someone suffering from anxiety and made me say "Hey maybe I know that voice". I like that point.
So when i tried to use hot cocoa it wouldnt let me target the one pacified guy and would only heal the person using it
also my game soft locked after talking libitina, she would go to the end of room and walk in place, also she would keep saying undefined
I love this game and can't wait until the full release comes out. Though I wonder are you going to include Poltergeists or anything like that?
This game is amazing and i love its concept! i cant wait to see how far this goes!
Wow, thank you! That means a lot to me, and I hope you'll like the full version as much as the demo!
This was AMAZING, i really really really hope a full release is in the works...
((will update comment with bug info and specific review later))
The disposable gloves seem to decrease defense dramatically rather than add +5%?!
I can't wait for a full release!
Played through the full demo!
The music is awesome and I still love the writing, especially how the 'anxiety text' is worked in. I'm super excited for where this goes.
Oh! You might want to look at the Disposable Gloves item. It seems to reduce defense instead of adding to it? >u>;;
Ah, jeez, it looks like other people have had that problem, too. I'll work to fix it, thank you!
Looking forward to the full game!
Linux link is broken, incomplete archive. Can you please re-upload the archive for the Linux version?
Honestly can't wait for a full release! Loved this game and I did a 3 part series on my channel!
Man, I love the character design, the combat (which most people get pretty wrong), and the writing! It's a real cool concept which would probably be woefully underwhelming in the wrong hands, but I'm so psyched for more! The red voice, while a little hammy at times, was really engaging and helped drive the tension
Hey there! Enjoying the game, but saving doesn't seem to work on the Mac for some reason. I can open the save menu, but choosing any of the save slots doesn't seem to do anything.
Hope you can fix! Thanks!
oh my goodness that was so good! I'm really excited for more!
Can't wait for the full game! Will it be on Steam?
Maybe! I'm looking into how to get it up there, but for the time being, I'll keep working on the demo version!
Did a little LP for it for our channel! Loved doing the voices and stuff, which is why I love playing games like this.
Thank you so much!!! I'll watch it when I get the chance!
This game is SO FUN! I have uploaded my first impression and playthrough of the game. Hope you enjoy!
Thank you very much! I'll have to watch it later!
The download link for the linux file does not work, maybe it is an incomplete file?
What? You can't just end it right before the final boss... That's not fair! It's like promising a three course meal, delivering on the starter and main courses, and as soon as the dessert shows up, you tip the bowl upside-down on my head!
I feel so betrayed.
But then again, I guess it's my fault for not clicking the 'more information' button. It's also rather thematically appropriate. But in all honesty, I adored this game. I really dug it's humour, setting and visuals, and was willing to overcome some odd control issues and visual artefacts to just enjoy the experience.
I live for games like this. Please finish it.
Sorry about that! I do intend to put the bossfight in there, as this IS just a demo as opposed to the full game. Thank you for the complements and feedback!
Looks super cool, but I don't think the Linux version is's weirdly 1/3 of the size too
Wow look at this! it lookss so good! look at this UI! dude. dude